Choate Eye Associates

Treatments for Dry Eye Syndrome: What Are My Options?

Jul 22, 2013 @ 12:35 PM — by Walter Choate
Tagged with: Dry Eye Eye Care

The feeling of sandpaper in your eyes, red eyes, pain in the eyes, stinging, burning, excessive tearing, and blurry vision are all symptoms of dry eye. Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when the eye’s natural tear production cannot provide adequate moisture for the eye. To relieve the symptoms of the painful, chronic condition, the optometrists at the Nashville eye care center, Choate Eye Associates, provide dry eye treatment.

Causes of Dry Eye

There are a number of factors that can cause a patient to suffer from dry eye. If a patient does not produce an adequate amount of tears or if the tears produced are of poor-quality, dry eye will occur. Certain medications, age, certain eye diseases, certain eye conditions, environmental factors, and eyelid problems, among other factors can cause dry eye.

Dry Eye Treatment

The cause of a patient’s dry eye, the severity of the condition, a patient’s unique eye needs and goals, and a patient’s medical history help to determine the best course of treatment. The main purpose of dry eye treatment is to alleviate the painful, disruptive symptoms of the condition. Dry eye treatments include:

Learn More about Dry Eye Treatment

If you would like more information about dry eye treatment, please contact Choate Eye Associates today. We look forward to helping you with all of your eye care needs.