Choate Eye Associates

What Is Causing My Dry, Red, and Itchy Eyes? Is It Dry Eye Syndrome?

Mar 5, 2015 @ 03:27 PM — by Walter Choate
Tagged with: Dry Eye Eye Care

At some point in their lives, most people will experience dry eye syndrome to some degree. For most people, it is a temporary condition, one that can be alleviated by drinking more fluids or through the use of artificial tears. Unfortunately, for some others, dry eye can be a chronic condition, one that affects their lives from the moment they wake to the moment they fall asleep at night. Dry eye syndrome can make every task they perform more difficult, from leisure activities such as watching television or enjoying a simple face-to-face conversation with a loved one to such necessary daily tasks as using a computer at work and driving.

Thankfully, there are a number of effective solutions to chronic dry eye syndrome; however, finding the right solution depends on arriving at an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the condition. At Choate Eye Associates in Nashville, dry eye causes of all types are carefully taken into account as we evaluate patients with the condition so that we can prescribe the most beneficial and efficient treatment plan possible.

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of dry eye, we urge you to schedule an appointment with our renowned eye care experts today.

Does dry eye produce any symptoms besides dry eyes?

This is actually a very common question among our patients. As stated above, most people experience dryness of the eyes from time to time. How can you tell whether you suffer from a chronic condition? If you have persistently dry eyes from which you cannot find relief, then you should seek treatment immediately, especially if you are also experiencing any of the following additional symptoms:

Identifying the exact symptoms can help our experts to hone in on the cause or causes of your dry eye syndrome.

What are the most common causes of dry eye syndrome?

There are many possible causes of dry eye syndrome, but these are among the most common:

Learn More about the Causes of Dry Eye

To learn more about the causes of dry eye, and how we can treat the condition, please contact Choate Eye Associates today.