Choate Eye Associates

Types of Retinal Diseases and Conditions

Nov 29, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Walter Choate
Tagged with: Retinal Diseases Eye Care

At Choate Eye Associates, Dr. Walter Choate and his team provide exceptional treatment for the full range of eye diseases and disorders, including a variety of retinal conditions. The retina is a thin layer of tissue located along the back wall of your eye. It is responsible for collecting and organizing light cells and transmitting them as visual information to your brain via the optic nerve. A properly functioning retina is necessary to clear, crisp vision.

Most of the types of retinal conditions we treat at our Nashville, TN eye care center are fairly common and manageable. It is usually possible to stop or at least slow the progress of retinal conditions when they are caught in their earliest stages. This is why it is so important that patients seek immediate treatment whenever they experience abnormal visual symptoms. Retinal diseases can affect either peripheral or central vision, depending on which part of the retina is damaged.

If you are experiencing symptoms of any of the retinal conditions detailed in this blog post, or any other abnormal visual symptoms, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at Choate Eye Associates today.

Common Retinal Conditions

There are many retinal conditions, all of which we can treat at Choate Eye Associates. The following are just a few of the most common conditions:

Learn More about Types of Retinal Conditions

To learn more about the various types of retinal conditions, please contact Choate Eye Associates today.