Choate Eye Associates

How Dry Eye Syndrome and Blurry Vision Are Linked and What You Can Do

Aug 28, 2019 @ 02:42 PM — by Walter Choate
Tagged with: Dry Eye

Many patients come to our vision practice in the Nashville, TN area with dry eye issues. They often note that they also suffer from blurry vision. There are two common types of dry eye syndrome:

Dr. Walter Choate and his team would like to consider how dry eye and blurry vision are linked and what you can do to manage a dry eye attack.

Why Dry Eye Affects Vision Quality

When your eyes are dry or irritated, they cannot function properly. A lack of tears or issues with the tear film can throw off your vision. While blinking frequently during a dry eye bout can help restore some vision quality, this is only a temporary solution for this dry eye attack.

Other Symptoms of Dry Eye

In addition to blurred vision, the team at our Nashville eye center want patients to also be mindful of these other dry eye symptoms:

Believe it or not, dry eye can also result in excessive watering of the eyes. This is part of your body’s natural response to irritation. Yet rather than these tears coating the eyes and providing relief, the tears simply flow out, unable to properly coat the dry surface of the eye.

Tips for Managing Dry Eye Attacks

Thankfully there are several things that people can do to manage bouts of dry eye syndrome.

For one, you can carry lubricating eye drops with you at all times if you are prone to dry eye attacks. These simple, over-the-counter eye drops can offer much needed relief to the eyes during a dry eye attack.

Staring at screens for long periods of time contributes to dry eye by reducing the amount you blink. Given this fact, the team at Choate Eye Associates also recommends consciously blinking more often when looking at screens for long periods of time. The 20-20-20 rule is also helpful: every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at a spot 20 feet away. This helps rest the eyes and reset your blink rate.

When Should I Consider Professional Dry Eye Treatment?

If regular management of dry eye with over-the-counter eye drops and lifestyle changes is unhelpful, that’s when you should visit our Nashville area eye center for professional care. We can determine the cause or causes of your dry eye and develop a custom treatment plan just for you.

Learn More About Treating Dry Eye

For more information about treating dry eye syndrome and improving your overall eye health, be sure to contact a skilled eye doctor and vision specialist. The team at Choate Eye Associates can be reached by phone at (615) 851-7575.